Friday, August 31, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23

I think I am going to get this finished before the deadline!

I don't know that I had a favorite discovery. Has it affected my lifelong learning? Well, no, I like to think that that was a habit of mine anyway. Would someone please offer to support my husband and me so that we could just spend our time on a university campus going to school?

There are some things that I was particularly glad to learn to do. I don't think I will become a habitual blogger, but I am glad I know how. I believe it is one of my jobs as a technology leader at my school to gently guide other staff members to tools that can facilitate their teaching and student learning. I would do this again, and would hope that "you" would continue to keep the rest of us informed about all the new stuff, and how to use it. For my part, I will explore all the new tools I read about, and will do my best to share them with my colleagues.

(What do I still need to do? I need to figure out how to get a picture on this thing. The "Add image" button is not working in Netscape. If I still had lots of time to do this I might persists and get it done, but for now, since it is close to the final hours, my blogs are just going to have to stand without pictures.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Congratulations! You have successfully completed School Library Learning 2.0 and now you are an official member of the CSLA 2.0 Team. Your blog has been moved to the "Congratulations - 2.0 Team" list.

See me at conference, if you haven't figured out the image issue. Netscape should have nothing to do with pasting an image onto your blog.

Best wishes!
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

IrmaPince said...

Congratulations on completing SLL2.0! I am sure that as a life long learner you will continue to refer to the tools provided in this tutorial. Please make sure to log in to the curriculum wiki to find some good ideas and to submit your own. See you at the conference.