OK. Now I have posted a picture. I always wanted to be considered as one
would consider royalty. I also had a bit of difficulty. It is what happens when you are a MAC user. Internet explorer does not support MAC anymore, so I have been
using Netscape, but Yahoo Avatars don't work on MACs with netscape, so I have had more
practice having multiple windows and browsers open at the same time. Let's hope I
can remember how I did all of this.
Gosh...I am a Mac user too. You are right about Internet Explorer, but Firefox works great! Have you tried it? You didn't say anything about Safari, which also works well.
I was going to suggest using Safari (I am also a Mac user). The only problem with Safari is that you can't do the links in your blog.
Hi elmolibrary2! I heartily recommend mozilla firefox. I have a mac at home too.
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